Mission Statement

Revelstoke Secondary School will work towards the development of individual potential in all students. Together with the community, the staff will provide learning experiences which will improve self-esteem, pride, tolerance, and socially responsible behaviors. These activities will enable the students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute responsibly to the well being of our changing society, as well as creating a safe, caring and orderly school environment.

Respect… yourself, your environment and others
Safety… for everyone, everywhere
Success… in our endeavors

RSS Bell Schedule

8:45 – 10:05 am

10:05 – 10:15 am (Break)

10:15 – 11:35 am

11:35 – 12:25 pm (Lunch)

12:25 – 1:45 pm

1:45 – 1:55 pm (Break)

1:55 – 3:10 pm

Student Recognition

Students are recognized for their academic and work ethic achievement at the end of each term.

Achievement Recognition

Principal’s List

  • 86% Average or better in all courses, Work Ethic “G” in all courses

Scholastic Honour Roll

  • 73% Average or better based on 3 or mores courses and no marks less than 60%

Awards Information by Grade

  • Top students are recognized at the annual Awards Ceremony in the following areas:
  • Subject Awards (decided upon by the group of teachers of that subject – top mark may not be the only criteria for the award) All Grades
  • Athletic Awards (decided upon by coaches and PE staff) All Grades
  • Service Awards (nominated by staff – voted on by staff) All Grades
  • Overall Awards (nominated by staff – voted on by staff) All Grades
  • Fine Arts Awards (decided upon by the Fine Arts department) Grades 10, 11 & 12
  • Best All Around Student (nominated by staff – decided by Admin) Grade 12
  • Detailed Award Criteria available at the school office.

Awards Ceremony

Outstanding individual successes are recognized in June at the Awards Ceremony. Top students in all subject areas are selected and awarded with certificates and/or trophies.

Service to the school and athletic successes are also recognized at this ceremony.

The school will also host an Athletic Banquet where students will be acknowledged for their contribution to various teams. We will also be awarding some Athletic Awards at this banquet.


It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to inform the school that their son/daughter will be or is absent due to illness or other legitimate reason. This may be done by submitting to the office a signed note or by calling the school at 837-2173 on the day of the absence.

Parents/Guardians must contact the school each day that their child is absent. Long-term absences, as well as being reported to the office, should also be referred to a counsellor or an administrator.

Students are responsible for making up work missed during absences.

Prior notification by the student’s parent or guardian of a late/absence is necessary.


Many students and their families are taking vacations during school time. Revelstoke Secondary School has many vacation periods; we ask parents to book their vacations at those times rather than during school time. Students and parents must inform R.S.S. school administration of these vacations during school time well before the scheduled absence, as well as informing their subject teachers.

A form is available at the office that must be filled out if you plan on taking your child out for 3 or more school days. Teachers may, if possible, provide material in advance. However, it is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work once he/she has returned to school. Please ensure that students attend Homework Club upon their return to make up this work as expeditiously as possible.

Visitors to the School

All visitors to the school must report to the office. Students who wish to bring a visitor to classroom instruction must make arrangements through the school office and their classroom teacher prior to the visit.


If a student is feeling unwell, they should stay home. If a student begins to feel unwell while at school parents will be notified to pick them up.

Allergy & Scent Aware School

To ensure the health and safety of all who study, work, and visit here, Revelstoke Secondary School requests your cooperation in avoiding bringing to school common allergens, such as nuts, as well as scented products which may trigger responses to those with allergies or chemical sensitivities.

Medical Room

The medical room is located in the general office area. If a student is ill and wishes to use this facility, the student must request permission from the office staff. This room contains a bed and is designed to provide basic first aid. No medication is provided by the school; however, the school will store and dispense personal medication upon request. Accidents and emergencies should be referred to a staff member immediately. If a student wishes to go home because of an accident or illness, the student must check out at the office.


Students are not permitted to have prescription medication at school. This includes having prescription medication in their jackets, lockers, or lunch kits. Students may only have a single day’s dosage of non-emergency medication (e.g., Tylenol). The school, however, recognizes that some students may be required to take medication while at school. These students must have a signed Medical Alert Planning form on file in the office, and they must store the medication in the office. Please see the office staff for more specific information or to pick up the medication permission forms.

Ambulance Services

Should we need to call an ambulance for a student, the District will bear this cost if parents do not have extended health coverage.

Home Study Support Program (Homework Club)

The school provides Home Study Support Program 3 days per week, usually Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school from 3:15 – 4:30 pm with a teacher. Students may be referred to the program through their teachers, the office, or are welcome to attend voluntarily.

Internet Access

The school provides internet access via Wi-Fi throughout the school, as well as providing access in the library and computer lab. Students may regularly gather information through this media for individual courses to complete assignments and projects.

All parents/guardians will be required to sign an “Internet Agreement Form” as part of their registration to the school. The form will specify some of the regulations involved in accessing the internet as well as concerns related to internet usage. Students must have this signed permission in order to access SD#19 networks and/or internet access. This form, as well as other forms, is found on the MyEd BC Family Portal.


Lockers are the property of the school and are a privilege provided for student use. The locker is to be secured with a school lock. In order to provide security for your belongings, you must keep your combination private. Any changes to the assigned locker, either location or combination, must be made through the office. Replacement locks will incur a $10 fee.

The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of any property of a student.


In order to protect valuables, the following suggestions are made:

  1. Use your locker at school.
  2. Do not tell anyone your lock combination
  3. Before going to PE class, lock all your valuables in your school locker – there are no lockers in the change rooms.
  4. Lock your bicycle to the stand provided
  5. Do not bring valuables to school. If that is not possible, make arrangements for security with the office staff.

Student Expectations



  • Inform your teachers and the office when your absence from the school is necessary.
  • Arrive at class on time.
  • If late, students enter their classroom quietly to reduce disrupting the class.


  • The school office is aware when you are absent.
  • Students arriving late report to the office and receive a ‘late slip’ and then go to class.


  • Attendance at school and your arrival at all classes on time ensure that you have every opportunity for high levels of achievement.

Leaving School During School Hours

  • Students must have permission from their teacher prior to leaving class.
  • Students sign out at the office if there is a need to leave the school site during instructional hours.
  • A parent/guardian or designate will be notified when a student requests to leave the school.
  • Students sign in at the office upon their return to the school.


Truancy is a missed class when the school cannot confirm an acceptable reason for an absence. When truancy is confirmed, the Attendance Clerk will maintain a list of truant students.

Consequences for truancy may include:


  • Classroom consequence as decided by teacher
  • Referral to Home Study Support Program


  • Student conference/parent notification, including letter of warning and may include escalating consequences depending upon severity.


Students arriving late to class sign in at the office before going to class. Students who have developed a chronic pattern of late arrival may be referred to the school administration.

Dress Code

School Dress Code Practice

Everyone at RSS deserves to be able to work and learn in an environment free from distractions and situations that make them uncomfortable.

In keeping with our Code of Conduct, students are expected to dress in a clean, neat and appropriate manner for a school setting.

Students must refrain from wearing the following clothing items that include, but are not restricted to:

  • Clothing or jewellery with any written, visual, or implied reference to any inappropriate substances, the abuse of alcohol, pornography, nudity, violence, racial comments, or anything that is sexually exploitative. Students may be asked to remove, cover, or change the offending article of clothing.


  • These guidelines apply to all students.
  • Dress guidelines may be relaxed for school social events outside of regular school hours provided that the student clothing is worn in “good taste.”


  • Dress in a manner appropriate to a school environment within which students understand that the school is also a workplace.


  • A wide variety of footwear, jewellery, and clothing is appropriate for school activities.
  • Staff will advise students on appropriate choices to maintain safety during school activities.


  • Personal appearance is an individual choice and helps to define who we are.
  • Making positive choices about individual appearance in a variety of settings (i.e. school, work, and leisure activities) contributes to success.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

When entering class, students must have their cell phones and electronic devices on silent and put away.

Cell phones and other electronic devices may only be used during class time:

  • In accordance with the teacher’s permission and direction, and
  • As an educational tool as defined by the teacher

These items should not be accessed during class time for personal use.

Please use cell phones and other electronic devices in a respectful and responsible manner.

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in confiscation of the offending device for the rest of class or for the rest pf the school day.


Under no circumstances are students to transport themselves or others to or from school sponsored activities or events.

Students are permitted to park their vehicles in the arena parking lot. City by-laws apply to these areas. Speeding or dangerous driving may result in the student being referred to the R.C.M.P.


Under school district policy, all school events, school district property, building, vehicles, and all spaces within them are officially smoke free environments. For the purpose of this policy, “smoking” will mean all uses of tobacco including cigars, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, pipes and tobacco products, and e-cigarettes and vaporizers. Students who choose to smoke must cross Vernon Avenue and be in the designated areas.


Plagiarism is defined as taking another person’s thoughts and/or writings and using them as one’s own. Examples would include copying sentences or paragraphs directly out of a book, web page, or another student’s paper and then claiming that work as your own. Plagiarism may result in the loss of marks or removal from a course.

Student Threat Assessment Fair Notice

Our school community is committed to creating and sustaining school environments in which students, staff, parents and others feel safe. All reported threats and incidences of violence will be investigated.

What is a Threat?

A threat is an expression of intent to do harm and/or act out violently against someone, something or self. Threats may be verbal, written, drawn, posted on the internet or made by gesture.

What behaviours initiate a Student Threat Assessment?

The behaviours that would initiate a Student Threat Assessment include but are not limited to:

  • Possession of weapons
  • Bomb threats
  • Verbal/written threats to kill or injure others or self
  • Internet website threats to kill or injure others or self
  • Use of a cell phone to threaten to kill or injure others
  • Escalation of violent behaviours
  • Significant changes in anti-social behaviours

Duty to Report

To keep school communities safe, staff, students, parents and community members will report all threat-related behaviours to the school principal.

What is the purpose of a Student Threat Assessment?

  1. To ensure the safety of students, staff, parents and others
  2. To fully investigate the context and level of the threat
  3. To begin to understand the factors that contribute to the threat makers’ behaviour
  4. To proactively develop an intervention plan that addresses the emotional and physical safety of the threat maker/school community


Students and staff have the right to an environment free from harassment. R.S.S. does not tolerate intimidation or harassment of any kind.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Any kind of physical or verbal intimidation
  • Bullying in any form
  • Threats
  • Name-calling
  • Any unwanted verbal comments
  • Any unwanted physical contact

Students who observe or experience harassment while attending R.S.S. are expected to report it to a staff member of their choice.

Bullying Behaviours

Bullying is a persistent pattern of unwelcome or aggressive behaviour that often involves an imbalance of power, and/or the intention to harm or humiliate someone.

Conflict, on the other hand, is generally a disagreement or difference in opinion between peers who typically have equal power in their relationships. It is usually an inevitable part of a group dynamic.

At Revelstoke Secondary School, we do not accept acts of bullying or bullying behaviours. If the recipient experiences harm, it’s bullying. Bullying can be physical, verbal and non-verbal aggression. Bullying can be direct (face to face) or indirect (rumours/use of electronic devices).

Ways that people bully:

  • Exclusion – ignoring, gossiping, spreading rumours, isolating from the group.
  • Teasing – Making fun of, snickering, imitating, public humiliation.
  • Trickery – Pranks, accidents on purpose, lying, setting a person up for blame or to look foolish.
  • Discrimination – Teasing or putting the person down because of their appearance, abilities, race, religion, gender identity, class or sexual orientation.
  • Verbal aggression – Name calling, insults, put-downs, sarcastic remarks.
  • Intimidation – Challenging, threatening, chasing, bribery, blackmail, hate letters, scaring, dirty looks, encroaching personal space.
  • Inappropriate use of social media and electronic devices.
  • Stealing – Extortion, robbery.
  • Physical Aggression – Pushing, shoving, budging, hitting, punching, beating, destroying or defacing personal property, locking in a confined space, weapons threats or assault.


Participating in a fight on or around school grounds or while under the school’s jurisdiction, may result in serious penalties including suspensions and/or R.C.M.P. involvement.

Participation includes:

  • Standing around and watching the fight
  • Advertising, promoting or instigating a fight
  • Anything else that encourages a fight to occur

Fights that take place off the school grounds or outside of school time but have originated or have been instigated at school may also be subject to the same consequences.

Substance Abuse

The possession of, or consumption of illegal drugs or alcohol is in violation of the criminal laws of Canada. Any student who is suspected of substance abuse, by smelling of alcohol or other drugs, and/or displaying other symptoms or behaviours characteristic of substance abuse, will be removed from class and/or the general school population. Confirmed possession of, or being under the influence of, drugs and/or alcohol at any school function will result in suspension. R.C.M.P. are notified in the event that possession of an illegal substance is suspected or confirmed.

Consequences for the first offence may be up to a ten (10) day out-of-school suspension and up to a twenty (20) day suspension for a second offence.

Page Resources

RSS Student Handbook - 2024-2025
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RSS Student Handbook - 2024-2025
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